The Basics of Lab Reagent Storage and Medical Refrigeration

Medical Refrigerator

When it comes to the storage and preservation of lab reagents, medical refrigeration is essential. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, without proper refrigeration, most lab reagents will deteriorate within hours. No reagents that require refrigeration will last more than two to three days without it. That’s why having an effective medical refrigeration system in place is so important.

1. Selecting the Right Refrigeration Unit

The right medical refrigerator for lab reagent storage depends on the type of reagents being stored, as well as the size of the facility. For example, a small research laboratory may not need a large commercial-grade refrigerator. Instead, they could make do with a standard residential fridge or freezer. On the other hand, a large hospital should invest in a commercial-grade unit that can handle large amounts of reagents and medical samples.

2. Maintaining Your Refrigeration Unit

Once you’ve chosen the right medical refrigerator unit for your lab, it’s important to maintain it properly. This means regularly checking the temperature and making sure the unit is running efficiently. If you notice your refrigeration unit isn’t keeping things cold enough or seems to be running inefficiently, it might be time for a tune-up or repair service.

3. Refrigerating Lab Reagents

When refrigerating lab reagents, it’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper storage and handling. Different reagents may require different storage conditions, so make sure you know what each reagent needs to maintain its efficacy. Additionally, it’s important to keep track of expiration dates and discard reagents that are past their prime.

4. What to Look Out For

When using a medical refrigerator for lab reagents, it’s important to look out for any signs of contamination. Make sure that the unit and its contents are kept clean and sterile at all times. Additionally, if you notice any strange odors or discoloration in your reagents, it’s best to discard them immediately.

Investing in the right medical refrigeration system for your lab is essential for maintaining the quality and efficacy of your reagents. By taking proper care of your unit and storing your reagents correctly, you can ensure you’ll get the most out of them. If you’re looking to invest in a medical refrigeration system for your lab, contact our team at Summit Surgical Technologies today to learn more about our products and services.